Kickstart Cassiopeia

10:55-11:30 -
- JoomlaDay ES 2024
Kickstart Cassiopeia is all about the Cassiopeia template that comes with Joomla 4. We have made a customizing module for you, allowing you to quickly get going with Cassiopeia. Get your new Joomla 4 website up and running, looking great in no time! You do not need to create code and/or css for this, all you have to do is configure the module. It has all the essentials you need!

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 Maarten Blokdijk

Maarten Blokdijk

Autónomo desarrollador web front-end, desarrollador de aplicaciones, administrador de bases de datos y gerente de proyectos en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones empresariales. Especialmente interesado en el diseño de bases de datos relacionales y cliente/servidor utilizando MS-SQL y My-SQL Server, ASP, HTML, Javascript, Joomla, PHP, Wordpress, Magento, Virtuemart, WooCommerce, Opencart.

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